One of the greatest powers we have as human beings is the power to choose. Every day and almost at every moment we make decisions that direct the course of our days, the course of our lives. Many times we say that we are not happy simply because we may be going through difficult situations. Happiness depends on our attitude towards life. On the other hand, joy is spontaneous. It just happens. It happens mainly when we live in the moment. To live in the moment we have to look and be grateful for the blessings we have in front of us. Don’t think about the past, the future, our fears, or on what we don’t have.
Christmas is a few days away so I encourage you to choose joy. Enjoy everything you have today. Give thanks for all your blessings. Tomorrow you will be able to solve tomorrow’s problems. May your heart be very happy this Christmas and may 2025 come to us full of surprises and many blessings. Thank you for reading my blog, I hope and it has inspired you to move forward despite all the obstacles, I can say that it inspired me not to give up and to continue fighting for my dreams but above all to focus on all my blessings.