August 16, 2024



After times filled with challenges comes a time of calm and reflection. Reflection of what constitutes a healthy relationship and what the main qualities for this healthy relationship to happen are. For a healthy relationship to exist, it has to be based on several important pillars but the one I consider to be the most important is loyalty.

What is loyalty? The dictionary describes it as a principle that consists of never turning your back on a certain person or on what matters to you. Someone who is loyal to you would never betray your trust and would never turn his/her back on you. Someone who is loyal to you is someone who would never leave you alone in the most difficult situation, on the contrary, even without understanding you, he/she would give you his/her support no matter what happens.

What are the gifts that loyalty gives us:

The most important one and the one that has the most weight for a relationship to be long lasting is trust. Trust gives you peace. Peace of knowing that you have nothing to worry about because the other person will always take you into account when making his/her decisions. He/she will take into account your feelings, your efforts, your sufferings, your dedication, your desires, your dreams. He/she will take you into account when talking about you, especially when you are not present. He/she will take into account the love you have always shown him/her in spite of his/her mistakes. Trust is the link that will never be able to separate two people despite life – circumstances, distance, death.

Another gift that loyalty gives us is respect. It is impossible not to respect someone who shows us loyalty. Without respect, there can’t be a good coexistence. Respect requires taking into account the other. We can’t have a healthy relationship without taking into account the other person’s feelings, opinions, and decisions.

Loyalty also gives you stability. A relationship based on loyalty gives you security. A relationship that is based on loyalty is a relationship that will make you feel comfortable. You will know that no matter what happens, you are not alone, that you always have someone there to count on, someone who will give you their support without judging you and without criticizing you. Someone who will not let go of your hand and will always give you his/her support regardless of the limits of the challenge you are facing.

And finally, and the most beautiful gifts of loyalty is love. How can you not love someone who gives you trust, that gives you peace, someone that respects you, and gives you stability? This is ultimately what love is. This is where a deep and meaningful connection can be created. Saying you love someone and showing love is very different, because to demonstrate love you first have to show that you are reliable, that you respect the other person, that you include the other person and that you provide stability. Love is the most important emotional experience and for which it is worth fighting for. The first step will always be to restore trust and the second respect – stability, peace, and that feeling of completeness in the relationship will follow.

And never forget to be loyal to yourself, this will help you love yourself so that you can love others in the same way.

loyalty comes from the heart

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