I’m fine, it’s the casual answer to the casual question of “how are you?” But what is it that is really asked? Are you physically well? Are you emotionally well? Do you have peace in your home? How have you been treated lately? Do you feel satisfied with your life? Is there anything in your life that needs to be improved? What keeps you awake at night? Have you had any disturbing dreams? What makes you nostalgic? What causes your eyes to fill with tears even in happy moments? And endless questions could replace that casual question of “how are you?” Is a casual life the one that will lead you to feel fulfilled? To feel that the road traveled has been worth while? It’s so easy to decide for the casual, the momentary, the easy. But that’s not how dreams are achieved. Although the saying goes that dreaming costs nothing, achieving dreams costs a lot. What would be the point of living this life without putting the necessary struggle to achieve our dreams? And what does it matter if in the end we don’t achieve them? At least we would have the satisfaction of knowing that we did everything possible to get there.
Although who we are today seems to be a person very far from who we were as children, the reality is that we still carry that child inside. And deep inside our being there are all those dreams we always had. Big and seemingly unattainable dreams are like the thread that weaves our emotions. The more we move away from our dreams, the more unknown we become of ourselves. Why do we feel anger, pain, indignation, and all those other negative emotions that take away our calm and even our reason when we are about to lose control of that stability? Of that route? Of that compass? Our heart, our mind, and our whole being know exactly what is happening. We are about to return to the casual, to the easy, to what dissipates soon and only gives a momentary reward.
But how much do dreams cost? It is true that many times our dreams cost many sacrifices such as sleepless nights, working overtime, financial limits, but what costs the most is the temporary loss of our peace. And this is because we have to get out of our comfort zone and do things that we never thought we would do, or have the need to do. But if necessary, it is worth risking everything, because not doing so would mean miss seeing your life fulfilled, your essence, your life purpose. It’s as if you never came to exist. It would be like living a hundred years but having slept the entire time and waking up when you are about to say goodbye to this world. You didn’t know who you were, what you did, what legacy you left, how you made this world better, how your children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and all your descendants would remember you. Nothing will have been worth it. As soon as you die, the world will forget about you and everything will continue as if you had not existed.
Here I share photos of this new project.